Monday 31 August 2015

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets #2 - Squibs and Ginny.

This book is the first time I have ever actually felt sorry for Filch. He has to deal with not being magic surrounded by people who are, including the greatest wizards and witches like Dumbledore and Hermione Granger. I don't know if it's possible for a squid to advance to basic magic, I'm a fan of Harry Potter but I'm not educated on all of it. Part of me hopes that he does find a way to become magic somehow. 

There's also writing on the wall in blood and in the movies, of course, it was easily wiped off but in the books it's half impossible to remove. Of course we know it was Ginny, but did she really do it without magic then if she can't remove it? I don't know, it always amazes me how much the movies left out.

How did you like these parts of the book?

See you next time

- Loz x

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