Sunday 30 August 2015

What I Read in August 2015!

I believe I missed doing this last month and I think it was because I didn't think I had enough books to tell you about? I'm not entirely sure, my memory doesn't stretch that far, I have a sneaky suspicion it was probably because I'm lazy.

"Alfie: The Doorstep Cat" by Rachel Wells. 

To cut to the chase, I DNF'd this book. It was a cute and interesting idea - an adorable Alfie becomes homeless after his owner dies from old age, he takes to the streets, and then finds a road that needs him maybe even more then he needs them. How it was delivered is what ruined it for me. I just didn't like the writing style, it was slow for me. Too much was given away too quickly, and at the same time, not enough was going on. There wasn't really any sub-plots going on, or character development. -I think this was her first book, so I can understand it probably wouldn't be a very well-rounded novel because of that. It was just disappointing, I wasn't fond of it.

"Eleanor and Park" by Rainbow Rowell. 

I had mixed thoughts on this book but I have a book talk on here for the novel, I will be brief. It made me feel good, I liked it a lot. The romance was kind of forced to me, they fit together but more in a friendly kind of way - when they started to do romantic things, any chances of having a discussion fell out the window and I think friendship in relationships is important, it was lost between the two. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it, I think it was a three or four star rating on Goodreads.

"My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult.  

This book used to be a well-loved read of mine, but I think I grew out of it as the pace of the book is far too slow for my taste and Julia and Campbell ruined the story. I probably will re-read it again in the future, just because I want to keep my love for it. This month was probably just a bad time to get into it.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by J.K.Rowling.

I needn't bother saying what I felt about this, you know I loved it! I read it for my Harry Potter Read-A-Thon (and didn't do so good on the updates...), it left me as satisfied as they usually leave me.

"Am I Normal Yet?" by Holly Bourne. 

A book on feminism, stereotypical OCD and how being yourself is better then trying to fit in. It's a wonderful story, Holly Bourne might be one of my new favourites, we'll see when I read her second two books. She's only been an author since 2013, so I guess that's why she isn't well known yet? I'm hoping more people notice her existence soon, she's a good writer and a good person.

"Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction" by Drew Karpyshyn. 

I really enjoyed this. It was like the starter book for the other two books in the trilogy, and it was the perfect example of character development. A flaw I can say about it, though, was that it was slow in parts and I wanted more people-presented women in there, I think there was only one. I have higher hopes for the next two books though, I won't give away any spoilers but that cliffhanger, that cliffhanger. 

"Hens Reunited" by Lucy Diamond.

I enjoyed this read, but I can't say it's something I actually wanted to spend so much time reading. It was okay and everything, but it had a lot of major flaws I mention in my review, like the terrible Instalove and how I jumped from the previous book to this one without much consideration of their differences. I just didn't want to jump onto another hefty book.

"Horrorstor" by Grady Hendrix. 

Again, you can read my review on this book if you want to know my full thoughts but seeing as that post won't be up for another few days, I really enjoyed this. It was filled with the paranormal, torture devices, zombies, people going mad - it was dark, and I really enjoyed it, always with that subtle humour on working in retail. Highly recommended read for anyone into horror and parody, or anyone who has ever worked in retail, you will enjoy it!

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" by J.K.Rowling. 

Yes, for my Re-Read-A-"Thon" of the summer, I finally moved on to the second book and plan on doing regular updates throughout so you can read my thoughts on it and so you can give your input on what you thought about it. Personally, this one is my favourite tied with "Prisoner of Azkaban", so I'm even more exited to read this then I was about the first one.

Thank you ever so much for reading, let me know what you've been reading this month, and I'll see you all tomorrow, bye!

- Loz x


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