Monday 3 August 2015

Monday Missions #9

I think this was originally created by "AThousandLivesofDaisies", by the way, in case you were interested. 

Sooo, my reading is actually picking up for once! I just finished reading "Eleanor and Park" by Rainbow Rowell, a book talk post will be posted on that later this week - which I'm actually pretty exited to write, I gave this book three stars on Goodreads, however I am quite conflicted with positive and negative emotions on this book. Which, yes, is a good thing, it makes it interesting...I think! 

After reading that, I moved onto "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult which is, yes, indeed a re-read for the third time (and I have a review I wrote on that when I was sixteen, it's hilariously terrible). I didn't want to delve right into deep, long books just yet as I'm not entirely over the slump, we'll see how it goes. 

Next, I have some options. I quite enjoyed "Eleanor and Park" somewhat, so I think an upcoming book choice will be "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell, but I have also have a couple of classics I have had my eye on - "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte, and "A Little Princess" by...uh...

If I get back out the reading slump this week, I have "Mind Games" by Terri Terry and "Alice in Zombieland" written by someone who's name starts with a G...terribly sorry for forgetting the authors, I'm a bit of a mess today!

Thank you for reading, I'll love to know with what you're going to be reading - or are currently reading - this week, see you next time!

- Loz x

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