Sunday 23 August 2015

Books I Brought With Me To England!


If you didn't know, I'm currently in England to visit my grandparents' and my father (hopefully not his girlfriend, too) and I packed very last minute so I'm sort of regretting the books I brought with me. Not too much, though, because they are books I really want to get read. I might only be here for a week, or a week and a half, I just wanted a wide variety of choice rather then being like "You're going to get all these read!". I'm rambling, let me just show you what books I got: 

"Horrorstor" by Grady Hendrix. 

A parody on the famous furniture store, Ikea, that is basically about strange happenings at night when the store has been shut down. Employees have been sent to stay overnight to investigate what has been going on, and they're met with a nasty surprise. 

One of my birthday presents from Austin that I once saw on a YouTube video and thought it looked kind of interesting, so I thought "hey, why not give it a shot!". I can't say I'm really that exited to read it, purely because I've heard a lot of things behind said on it that the writing just isn't that great, but still. I did bring it with me just because I wanted to get through it more then actual want to read it. It seems more like a decoration book then anything,  but it might pleasantly surprise me, who knows. 

"The Alchemyst" by Michael Scott. 

I think everyone and their dog knows what this is about, but I don't. I think it's about twins in a fantasy realm? I don't really know...I got this as a birthday present from my mother and sister, which is weird because they never get me books! Especially books that have been on my Amazon wishlist for quite some time. 

"Alice in Zombieland" by Gene Showalter. 

I've heard so many negatives thinks about this, so this on top of it being a YA dystopia romance makes me hesitant to read it, but the trilogy is based from one of my favourite books and even if it has little resemblance, I can at least try to like it because of that. This book is also a useful contribution towards something I am working on for later this year, stick around for that!

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" by J.K.Rowling. 
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" by J.K.Rowling. 

I should hope I don't need to say what these are, but these are for my Harry Potter Read-A-Thon books, that's more of a re-read at this point seeing as I finished the first one like a week ago and haven't even made a move yet on starting the second one. Oops?

"Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell. 

A twin called Cathy (have to say, not a fan of Rowell's choice of names) decides she doesn't want to be tied up to her sister anymore when she joins university and wants to be a free bird, and meets someone called Levi. Everyone else loves him, but they're also the same people who love Will Herondale, so we'll see if I like him too. 

"Hens Reunited" by Lucy Diamond. 

A book I am currently reading about three women whos lives have fallen apart, and they reunite in their unique 'failures' as they try to rebuild what they have left. It's quite different from Lucy's (AKA, Sue's) usually writing structure, as are all her books I'm noticing so far - I love this book more then the others, but at the same time I'm disappointed in it. Probably for a lot of reasons - it might not have been the right time to read a book like this, or it was something I have been anticipating for so long that I made it into something more then it would ever live up to, I don't know. I may have to re-read in the future to really make my mind up about it. 

So, I might be buying some more books in the future while I am here as I realize I did not bring the most varied of choices as I would like, but it'll do, thank you ever so much for reading and I'll see you all next time! 

- Loz x

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