Friday 21 August 2015

Disney's Inside Out Book Tag!

(darn it, I missed my time by thirty minutes but I guess not many people live in the UK time zone so whatever I suppose...enjoy!)

I haven't actually seen Inside Out yet, although I'm really interested to, because as you guys know I have social anxiety and a cinema is the last place I want to be, alone or not. I'm just waiting for it to be super cheap on DVD or something, but I do have some basic idea on what the movie is about thanks to my Facebook friends and introductions to this tag in videos I have watched (which I really enjoyed!). 

It's basically about this one person, with five other characters' who live inside their mind. Which are their emotions. These emotions are joy, fear, disgust, sadness and anger (isn't it odd how only one of those is a positive emotion to have?). 

So, you guessed it, these emotions are what the questions are going to be based from. 

Joy! : What book gives you the most joy?

This one is actually kind of hard to answer, because well all books give me joy, that's why I read. An obvious answer to this question would be the first three books from the Harry Potter series, but I don't want to say that just because it's such a cliche answer, especially for me at this point. From a book picked from my 2015 reading challenge list, I'm going to go with "Eleanor and Park" by Rainbow Rowell. You guys know that I had mixed feelings about that book, it was more a three star for me personally (I have a full book talk on this up on here!), but I felt so happy when I was reading it. The relationship gave me the fuzzies, even though I thought they were best as friends - that book just made me feel good (and also bad), I can't deny that. Even if it wasn't as good as it had been hyped up to be. 

Disgust! : What book grossed you out the most? 

A lot of books, but the one that is really standing out to me right now is one I read back in February of 2014, "It's Kind of a Funny Story" by Ned whatever-is-name-is. The over-sexualisation of the characters in this book - all female - made me want to throw up. Even of a rape victim and his own mother. I hate that book with a passion, even though I am mentally ill with depression/social anxiety. It just didn't do anything for me, and I'm sorry to everyone who loved it, but it was disgusting from my feminist point of view. But, a lot of books pop to mind when I think of disgust. Like the domestic abuse theme in "IT" by Stephen King that was wrote to graphically, I was left shivering days after I had read it. I'm just sensitive. 

Fear! : What book scared you the most? 

I have two options for this one. Firstly, the "Gone" series by Michael Grant. I've only got up to book three in the six-part series, but it mostly scared me due to the fact that it was something that might actually happen. Maybe not to the extent it happened to in the series, I don't think people could be gaining powers because of Darkness, but more along the lines of anarchy and having dumb people like Sam be in charge of things and not letting women still into places of power. Second book that I'm going to mention here is an author I'm really not fond of but I just liked this book, and that is "The Secret of Crickley Hall" by James Herbert. I don't know why, but the whole dark paranormal child abuse aspect of the story really scared me not while I was reading it but when I was alone and it was dark. 

Sadness! : The book that made you cry the hardest?

This one is easy - "A Monster Calls" by Patrick Ness. I won't talk too much about it here as I do have a book talk published, but I don't cry very often at books, hardly ever. This one, though...I started to read it late in the evening, before bed, just because I like to that sometimes but I never put it down till 4am and tears were falling from my face. My heart felt like it had been ripped out - it was just absolutely crushing to me. I was a mess after reading that book. But, don't let that put you off please. If you're one of the few people who hasn't read that book, I urge you go do so now. 

Anger! : What book made you the most angry?

I don't really get very angry in books (apart from the ones I mentioned in disgust) unless they're very anti-feminist, such as slut-shaming or viewing a woman as a sexual object or a woman treating a man like crap when he has done nothing wrong just because she can, things like that. However, I rarely read a book without doing background research on it first and coming across books like this is pretty rare for me, it usually never happens. But, a book I was pretty mad about was "Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy" by Helen Fielding. Right, let me tell you a story. I found this book for pretty cheap at my supermarket. but I briefly saw something at the back about Bridget having kids. I disregarded the fact that this book was written in the future, and I went out and got the first two books, £20 in total. At the same supermarket a couple of weeks later, I found these books for £2 each...£4 altogether. To make matters worse, they were the exact editions I wanted which is why I spent so much money on them at the bookstore. Then I found two other versions of these books in a discount book store for even less. It made me so mad, but that's not why I got mad when reading this book. It was cheap, a complete rip-off, a cheat. I believe I also have a review on this book up here somewhere, and I might have deleted it, I hope not. But, Mark's dead, firstly. Secondly, Cleaver hadn't changed at all and you think he would have seeing as he's now a middle-aged man. Thirdly, she never looked after her kids and never did her work but still complained that living a life like she had was hard, and she stayed thin even after eating cheese out the packet almost everyday. She had lost her larger-then-life Bridget Jones quality, it was a huge let down!
Thank you for reading this very long post!
If you could take a second to follow me on whatever is your preference, I would be so grateful, I would really appreciate the motivation right now, I know I usually don't ask for this! 

- Loz x

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