Tuesday 4 August 2015

Harry Potter Read-A-Thon Starts Tomorrow!

(I already have these in original covers, but I bought the new British ones because you can't find first edition hardbacks anymore and don't want to ruin the ones I have!)

Okay! So, I recently found out that a Booktube-A-Thon is going on this month and pretty much everyone is taking part but me (apparently), however I think this counts, right? Right? I don't know, probably not, and I'm going to be reading them at a slower pace alongside other books I feel like reading - it'll be a bit different from a normal Read-A-Thon, maybe, I don't know. I've never actually taken part in any Read-A-Thons. Public ones, that is, I've had my own private ones (don't read that wrong, it didn't involve any Fifty Shades)

So, if you want to join me and Austin (I convinced him!), I'm starting the first book tomorrow at anytime I wake up and feel like reading. Feel free to join in our discussions.

Also, these versions of the books I got from Tesco and have really cool little Harry Potter maps at the front and illustrations at the start of each chapter, and the covers are beautiful!

I hope you can join us!

- Loz x

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