Saturday 13 February 2016

Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month

You may or may not be aware of this, but February is the month dedicated to spreading awareness on Marfan Syndrome. 

I am usually the type of person to not give any specific problem special limelight because, in my eyes, it's like saying hey, these problems are more important then others and deserve attention. It's just hard to sometimes pinpoint what problems I should focus on and what problems I should spend less focus on, and what problems I shouldn't talk about at all (if I was to talk about all of them, I would be here forever). 

I usually just opt for focusing on my own personal problems. ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), Social Anxiety and Depression among other things I have gone through or am going through whether good or bad so that other people can learn or be helped or educated on my experiences. Especially because I live it, I at least know a decent amount of information on it. 

I don't actually know anything about this topic, though. I'm here to share this blog post from a woman who actually has this syndrome and wants to share as much information about the topic as she can to the world. I'm simply a messenger she doesn't know she has wanting to spread the post out to anyone who is interested in how they can help or recognise people with Marfan Syndrome. I suggest you follow her for more informative, future posts on the syndrome and help spread the message yourselves so less people die/suffer from it, and can get the correct medical help they need a lot quicker. 

Thank you for reading. 

Loz x 

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