Saturday 12 March 2016

The Problem With Writing

For those of you who don't know, I have a Wattpad account that I have just recently started to use again.

 I got introduced to it a long time ago (what feels like a long time ago, but really was only four five-ish years ago) when I was fourteen/fifteen. I was in a ICT lesson and I had to sit next to a girl called Kristen (who still uses her Wattpad account regularly), who was just talking about the normal teenage girl topics like drinking and smoking and a guy she really liked and then she started to speak about writing in her journal. 

Obviously, my ears immediately pricked up at that. I am and always have been a huge fan of journal entry writing. This led into a conversation about a story she was writing and how she was so proud of it, called Living with the Lockhart Boys.

Now, I am not just saying this because I still actively support her today but I really do like what she writes. I wouldn't purchase it in a store purely because this kind of genre in writing is not my thing personally, but she has such a great writing style and there are parts in her writing that make me just laugh out loud. 

After that, I also started to use Wattpad regularly. I've had a couple of accounts in the years that have passed, but all of the things I have written got deleted due to insecurity and such. Which is such a huge shame, because it left no room for self improvement that would have happened if I had continued, and also because it would have been quite nice to look back on. If you follow my other blogs, and even this one, you'll know that unfortunately I still have this annoying habit of deleting things that I have written and regretting it in the future. 

I notice this a lot, this pattern of being insecure about what I am writing. Not just that, but my grammar/punctuation/spelling is off - not that I had to tell you that, you are reading words if you have got this far. I also find it hugely difficult to grab hold of a idea that I have about a world, and build it from there. I have had a world that I have wanted to write since I was a young child, a world I still highly enjoy escaping to and hope that readers of it would enjoy escaping too also - but it's a huge part of my soul that I would be opening up to the world, and I don't know if it's ready to, so I want to write something smaller but still fun and enjoyable on Wattpad first. A short story. 

I also worry that it will be unoriginal. That the unsuccessful roads I go down will just knock me and my confidence, and make it even harder to write. But if I don't try at all, what would I be missing? And why can't I write for fun, and not worry about what people would think about it?

Anyway, these are just some late though ramblings that I wanted to share with you. 

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