Monday 14 November 2016

Contraceptive (Etonogestrel) Implant Updates: 3 weeks

I would have no idea where to start with this one, I really don't. I guess I will start with the contraceptive update and if you live in the UK, then you can read through this link if you're interested in knowing more about my contraceptive implant or read my previous post about the experience of getting it and my first experience at a sexual health clinic (quite the little miracle for someone who is twenty years old, I know). I'll be talking through the side affects of it, basically. 

The first thing I noticed when the hormone started to release was mild acne. I have never experianced problems with spots before, but recently my face is covered in tiny little red demon monster...things. I have to actually wash my face everyday instead of just a couple of times a week now. The audacity, what has my life turned into? Nothing but a sham. 

Shortly following that, I experienced cramps but not like my ordinary period, omg-I-want/need-to-die cramps. It was in a different area (where my ovaries are) and was more like a dull throb/ache then anything. It was manageable,but sometimes I became frustrated because the pain never seemed to take bathroom breaks. I also experienced some mild headaches and stomach aches, but again nothing that isn't manageable. 

I 'suffered' from nausea beforehand. I've never been that great with nausea. I just seem to attract it, probably because my diet is 70% shit and the rest is soda. Again, used to it. Slightly more amplified than previously. 

It lowered my sex drive slightly but because it was already abnormally high, all it really did was bring it down to a more manageable level and maybe my lack of pleasure coming in was what ultimately resulted in mood swings and depressive episodes shortly after the release of the hormone. It was also followed by an increase of nerves, which is not good for someone who already suffers from an anxiety disorder.

I'm waiting for it to dull itself out so that things can go back to normal and I can stop bothering the shit out of everyone around me and annoying the hell out of myself. If you feel like this might be a good option for you, though, then please don't let me stop you. I'm just here to be honest. 

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