Wednesday 25 February 2015

Inside Out Book Tag!

Hey there!

I'm constantly looking for some new blogs to follow, so while I was doing that, I came across one that had this tag (I'd link it but I haven't figured out how to do that from an iPad yet, I shared it on Google+ so if you're curious, that's where you will find it!) and thought "hey, that looks like fun!", and that is why I am writing a blogpost at midnight on a school night instead of doing the tasks I was supposed to do three hours ago. 

I - Inside flap/back of the book summaries: too much info? Or not enough? Discuss. 

First off, I hate inside flap summaries, I think it's just a pet peeve of mine. Secondly, to answer the question, I do prefer short and snappy at the back of the book just so when I'm book shopping, I can quickly scan through them all, pick out a couple (or 12) and go back home. I also like to go into a book only with a small, general idea, I don't like knowing too much information when I'm going into a book - in fact, the less I know the better. 

N - New book: What form do you want it in? Be honest: audio book, e-book, paperback, or hardback? 

Nine times out of ten, I will go for the paperback. As much as I love hardbacks (especially discovering what they did with it underneath the dustcovers and how long they last), they're too awkward to hold, really hard to find it a placement, and I can't carry it around with me very easily without it feeling like a brick in a bag that was already heavy with notebooks and the tears of men. Not to mention, they're much cheaper. 

I haven't tried audiobooks, but the voice of humans usually annoys me so I can't imagine i would like them very much, I do appreciate Ebooks for the use of travelling purposes, highlighting/note-making qualities, etc. 

S - Scribble while you read? Do you like to write in your books, taking notes, making comments, or do you keep your books clean clean clean? Tell us why! 

With a lot of books that aren't really expensive, or valuable to me, I will underline quotations I like, fold pages if I want to go back to that in the future (I never have tabbed post it notes, for some reason) and write small little notes in the sides of the pages. I write notes for reviews in a seperete notebook, but most of the time, I'm not all that fussed on whether or not the book is overly tidy or not. My Harry Potter and world domination handbooks, though, are as spotless as an elephant! 

I - In your best voice, read for us your favourite first sentence from a book.

I won't, simply because I don't have a favourite and I can't be bothered with walking all the way to my bedroom and flicking through every single book I own just to find one, either. Instead, I will read you the first line from the last book I read, Mad About the Boy, and so I don't seem so lazy, the book I am currently reading, Marina (which I'm already planning the review for, yay me!). 

"Talitha just called, talking in that urgent, 'let's-be-discreet-but-wildly-over dramatic" voice she always has"

"Marina once told me we only remember what never really happened". 

Fun fact: both of the books' first sentences were from a prologue. Weird how many books have prologues, I once read an article that writers should really avoid it, but that's a discussion for another time. 

D -Does it matter to you whether the author is male or female when you're deciding on a book? What if you're unsure of the authors gender? 

No, truth be told I don't even know who the author is until I've already bought the book, read it and I have to look at the book of the author to either find it on Goodreads or to write a blog review on it. Pretty bad to do, I know. I used to care when I was younger because I thought men wrote more about sex and attractive women, but women wrote more deeper into relationships (on the genre of romantic books, that is) but as I grew older, I realised this was untrue and either gender can write it in either way. 

E - Ever read ahead? Or have you read the last page way before you got there? 

If the book is really good, I don't. But if the book is slow paced or the curiousity becomes too much, I am guilty of reading the last line in the book, which oddly I usually don't regret, it makes me think a certain thing is going to happen because obviously I don't have all the information to that sentence yet, and then something entirely different does. It's like I gave myself a plot twist. 

O - Organized bookshelves, or outrageous bookshelves? 

I have an attic room, so even if I did have a bookshelf, it wouldn't fit. Instead, my books fit perfectly around the edge of my room in that space that's more or else book size and I couldn't fit anything else back there anyway. Maybe in a future blog post, I'll show you where I keep them, it's hard to explain what I mean. 

U - Under oath: have you ever based a book on its cover alone? 

Guilty. In fact, when I first bought The Invention of Hugo Cabret I had no idea what it was about, what genre is what in or even if it was any good. I bought it purely because it was a pretty book. 

T - Take it out or stay in? 

Because of factors like wind, distractions, people, etc, I much prefer to stay in where I can cozy up at night in a comfy chair wearing a onezie where's it's usually pretty noiseless and nobody is around to bother me. Although, reading only when nobody is around isn't a great idea because I can't get much reading done in a day and it's going to make my Goodreads 2015 reading goal that much harder to accomplish. But, during free lessons at school when I have nothing to do, I read...inside. Does that count as taking it out or staying in? 

Please tell me if I have made any mistakes, I would love to improve, and if you have written this on your blog or you want to tell your answers in the comments, do share! Agree with me or nah? Thank you for reading. 

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